Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Roman Goddess Vesta - The Vestalia Week

The Roman celebration of Vestalia was held each year in June, near the time of Litha, the summer solstice. This festival honored Vesta, the Roman goddess who guarded virginity and hearth fire. She was sacred to women.

Unlike many Roman deities, she was not typically portrayed in statuary - instead, the flame of the hearth represented her at the family altar. Likewise, in a town or village, the perpetual flame stood in the stead of the goddess herself.

As the goddess of hearth, she was also symbol of home; around which every newborn child would be carried for blessings, before receiving it in the family.
Every meal began and ended with an offering made to her with the following chant:
Vesta, in all dwellings of men and immortal,
Yours is the highest honour,  sweet wine is offered,
First and last at the feast, poured out to you duly,
Never without you can gods or mortals hold the banquet.

In the hearth of every colony Vestas flame kept burning which was never allowed to go off. If a new colony was to be established, coal was taken from the main citys hearths to kindle new fire in the new citys hearth which symbolised the beginning of the new colony with Vestas blessing.

For the celebration of Vestalia, the Vestales made a sacred cake, using water carried in consecrated jugs from a holy spring. The water was never permitted to come into contact with the earth between the spring and the cake, which also included sacred salt and ritually prepared brine as ingredients. The hard-baked cakes were then cut into slices and offered to Vesta. During the eight days of the Vestalia, only women were permitted to enter Vesta's temple for worship. When they arrived, they removed their shoes and made offerings to the goddess. At the end of Vestalia, the Vestales cleaned the temple from top to bottom, sweeping the floors of dust and debris, and carrying it away for disposal in the Tiber river. Ovid tells us that the last day of Vestalia -- the Ides of June -- became a holiday for people who worked with grain, such as millers and bakers. They took the day off and hung flower garlands and small loaves of bread from their millstones and shop stalls.

Today, if you'd like to honor Vesta during the time of the Vestalia, bake a cake as an offering, decorate your home with flowers, and do a ritual cleansing the week before Litha. You can do a ritual cleansing with a Litha blessing besom.

The Vestalia was celebrated from June 7 to June 15

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sacred Circle

I live in a circle which is sacred and pure,
It’s the place in which I am secure
I bow down to the 5 elements,
With a childlike innocence and elegance
Direction of East element of Air,
Makes my creativity flare
Direction of South element of Fire,
Makes strength my attire
Direction of West element of Water,
Makes my divination stronger
Direction of North element of Earth,
Makes prosperity and growth worth

The Triple Goddess and the Horned God transform me,
Makes me both nothing and everything
The Higher Beings watch over and guide me,
And make me complete the primal force ring

I am a Witch, worshipping nature and living in now,
As I take the Wiccan vow
“An Harm Ye None - And Do What Ye Will”
These words would stay with me till I am still...

-          Eternal Wings

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thoughts On Manifestation

I was thinking about manifestation and some few lines came to me:

You can only get when u know what u want,
You can only reach when u know where u have to go,
You can only achieve when u know your goal.

BUT, Why are we not able to get what we want?

We all know have a huge list of what we don’t want
A - I don’t want to sit
B - Ok, so u want to stand
A - No
B - So want to lie down
A - No
B - Then??
A - I think I'll go for a walk

So its not clear. Till we don’t know what we feel like doing or what we want to do how are we going to do it?

Only when we have a clear intention a clear picture of wat we want we can work towards it or just simply have it.

I had a discussion with my friend and he said Rutu "Everyone knows what they want.. they just don't know how to put it in words"

I agree to this, as we all know we have a conscious mind and a sub-conscious mind. Our sub conscious mind knows it all since it is connected to our higher self our higher self also knows what is best for us and it directs us to our higher goal our higher purpose of life.

What we all face difficulty in, is to connect with our higher self and know the best for us. We keep asking and thinking about mundane things in our life and do not allow our higher self to open up and give what is best for us which would take us to our higher goal.

How do we connect to our higher self?
How do we know what exactly we want?
What is our goal?
What is best for us?

The simplest and the base and key for everything in my opinion is just a simple exercise. MEDITATION - Meditating and being with ourselves without forgetting it’s all about  being true to yourself

We all show we want a big house, a big car, may be you want it, but is this THE THING we are really looking for???

Monday, March 8, 2010

Magician - The Healer

Magician The Healer,
Is also the light giver,
As he is the energy dealer,
Even the elements are his followers.

He who has the infinity as his crown,
Can make any situation go upside down,
By him the seeds of gratitude were sown,
In front of him a fake mask cannot be worn.

He has abundant power of the universe,
No one would want him in a reverse,

The world Serpent is tied on his waist,
The charms given by him cannot be chased,
If understood right Magician is a gift to us by the higher beings grace.

- Eternal Wings (Rutu)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Empress

The Lady who loves all,
Has the power and sits up tall.

She is a Mother and Symbol of Fertility,
Even the barren lands go green when they become a part of her fraternity.

Has all the possible luxuries of the world,
And still does not believe in the concept of sword.
She believes in Nature and Nurture,
And so the babies, animals and even the angels love her.

She knows the difference between the wrong and the right,
And would not hesitate to straighten up that side.

She is beautiful and compassionate,
And believes in positive fate.

Oh My Goddess! Make me like her,
She is the Empress who loves everyone unconditionally and everyone loves her too.

- Eternal Wings (Rutu)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Zero Card - "The Fool"

Oh! That guy who sings and runs,
Is so carefree and enjoys the sun.

He dances on his way and feels so complete,
Even the nature and its eleates follow the rhythm of his feet.

He carries a beautiful flower, symbolizing the fragrance of life,
He is who is not scared of jumping and enjoying the heights.

He lives life in different way,
Makes all the worries sway away,
He who is called "The FOOL",
Carries the joy, happiness & initiation as his tool.

- Eternal Wings (Rutu)

Universe And Me

I am a part of Universe
I belong to it
From where I was born
I shall end in it
Universe and Infinity go hand in hand
The power of infinity revolves beyond the ocean and the land
The energy is only transformed and not destroyed
All of this is in the Universe and the Universe is mine...
I am a part of the Universe and so the Universal power is mine...

- Eternal Wings (Rutu)